The classics

Length: 5m60
Width: 2m26
Box: 1m50
Or: 1m20 + 0.30 (ext)
volume: 19m3
Weight has space*: 5340kg
Axle: flat bogie
square 100
Length: 6m42
Width: 2m26
Box: 1m45
or: 1m20 + 0.25 (ext)
volume: 21m3
Weight has space*: 6200kg
Axle: flat bogie
square 100
Length: 6m42
Width: 2m26
Box: 1m55
or: 1m20 + 0.35 (ext)
Volume: 22.5m3
Weight has space*: 6510kg
Axles: Tandem
square 110
Length: 7m
Width: 2m26
Box: 1m50
or: 1m20 + 0.30 (ext)
Volume: 22.5m3
Weight has space*: 6890kg
Axles: Tandem
square 110
(*According to option)
Equipments of series on quite our modéles:
Arrow spring
Trapdoor of vision
Trapdoors fertilizer + Beak fertilizer
1 Hydraulic crutch
Compressor with hydraulic descent
Antidrop valve
Protected universal joint
protected lights
Revolving light
Hooks cover and carries cover

Arrow with transverse
Optional hydraulic door
Articulation on
4 points
Monobox of 1m50
Box of 1m20
and side extansion of 0.30
Tag axle
Silage slide extension,
Pneumatic breaking
mixed or 40km/h

Integrated led lighting
in the frame